Holley MoParty 2021: Dodge Brings the Heat with Thrill Rides

10 min read

Holley MoParty 2021: Dodge Brings the Heat with Thrill Rides

10 min read

MoParty featured a crowd-favorite event, the Dodge Thrill Rides. Any spectator can jump in a Dodge Charger or Challenger Hellcat for a thrilling lap around the Beech Bend oval track. Experienced drivers allow passengers to feel all of the 700-plus horsepower these cars have in full fury.

Hosted by Experiential Events Group (EEG) from Concord, North Carolina, the team holds multiple ride-alongs and drive experiences throughout the country. “We’re trying to get the product out there and get people to experience it,” said Justin Kral, operations manager at EEG. “Experience them to their full potential.”

Dodge Thrill Rides puts enthusiasts right in the action, sitting shotgun for a wild, tire-smoking ride.

Most Thrill Ride drivers have lengthy backgrounds in competitive racing, including NASCAR truck series, Sprint Car, and Midget racing. MoParty’s first day included 3.5 hours of driving, and the team went through 24 pairs of tires. Hoses spread water on the asphalt to cool tires between runs. The cool water dissipates the heat out of the tire. “It almost doubles the life of the tire by cooling them,” said Justin. “Without it, the heat sits in the tire, and it keeps getting hotter.”

EEG brought four Dodges to MoParty: three Hellcat Chargers and one Hellcat Challenger. Each guest gets to take a lap with an experienced driver who drifts the course at full speed.

“We can go harder, but we’re trying to be safe, have fun, and get the most out of our equipment,” said Justin. “Driving these cars is fun, but we do it for people’s reactions. To see people get excited, that’s the biggest payoff.”

Justin said every passenger is different, but they all have fun. “Some people don’t stop screaming the whole ride; others look like they're holding their breath,” said Justin. “We often get told we have the greatest jobs in the world… They’re not wrong.”


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