Holley MoParty 2022: Mr. Gasket Co. Presents The Mullet Contest


Holley MoParty 2022: Mr. Gasket Co. Presents The Mullet Contest


Every show has that one unique feature that separates them from any other show anywhere else. For Holley MoParty, that feature is our Mullet Contest. Not familiar with the mullet? The "business in the front, party in the back" hairstyle is often mocked, but those who love the long locks out back and the freedom that comes with such a glorious hairstyle don't care who likes it or who doesn't. They have their hair and they are damn proud of it and everything associated with it. Want to be classy, with creased jeans and a polo shirt? Want to rock your cutoff jeans, sleeveless T-shirt and cowboy boots? The answer is simple: mullet. You can't go wrong.

MoParty22 Mullet Returning Champ

Vance Straeter, who won "Trashiest Mullet" at MoParty 2021, was back to defend his honor, his "crown", and his "scepter".

MoParty22 Mullet Contest

Chad "Freebird" Reynolds had the privilege of introducing the full array of mullet-flaunting fans to the cheering crowd.

Mullet Contest Winners

MoParty 22 Best Real Mullet

Best Real Mullet: Landan Beattle

MoParty22 Mullet Best Fake

Best Fake Mullet: Doc Schwarz

MoParty22 Trashiest Mullet

Trashiest Mullet: Ricky Beauvais

Moparty22 Mullet Kids Mullet

Kids' Mullet: Adam Turner


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