2018-2019 Ford Mustang Ecoboost 2.3L Tuning Support Now Available


2018-2019 Ford Mustang Ecoboost 2.3L Tuning Support Now Available


Today Superchips is pleased to announce 2018-2019 Mustang 2.3L Ecoboost tuning support on both the Dashpaq+ PN 10601 and Flashpaq PN 1845. Superchips’ tuning coverage and features pair incredible power gains, best-in-class transmission tuning, and multiple options to create an extraordinary driving experience. Our calibrations team went to work on transmission optimization with this 10-speed seeking to set the benchmark with both power and “feel”. As a result, drivers can expect the power Superchips is known for along with improved responsiveness from 0 to wide-open throttle! Please review the details below and be sure to shop for PNs 10601 and 1845 for your 2018-2019 2.3L Ecoboost Mustang today!


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