DiabloSport Sponsored NMRA Racer Tim Matherly on the first race of the year


DiabloSport Sponsored NMRA Racer Tim Matherly on the first race of the year


Tim Matherly and his team showed up at Bradenton Motorsports Park in Bradenton Florida ready to tackle the first race of the season. Hard times have fallen on the group as they had a shop fire that damaged vehicles and their facility. Tim and his team didn’t let that stop them and with some help from a friend, Craig Baldwin, they were able to get a car and be at the first race of the season ready to test.

Showing up to a race with an untested car with no data runs, can be a daunting tasks. However, the team had a successful showing with some great passes all things considered. Tim Matherly stated “Our first event of 2017 is in the books and considering that we had an untested car with no data, I feel we had a successful showing, The first pass 10,40, 10.35, 10.30, and 10.33 all was quicker than last years best pass.”

While at the event, Michael Johnson of Muscle Mustangs interviewed Tim about what had happened last year and how the team got ready for Bradenton and some info on the racer and how he got into racing.


Staff Writer
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