Holley High Voltage Experience 2022 is in the books! Our electric vehicle get-together, sponsored by eBay Motors, returned to the absolutely gorgeous Sonoma Raceway in California and brought out everything from turn-key stock Teslas to some of the most radical electric vehicle builds we have seen to date. Don't believe us? We saw one vehicle run an 11.2 in the quarter with a trap speed over 150 MPH while all four tires were spinning halfway down the track, only to come back for a low-nine-second pass with a perfect dead-hook launch. We saw seemingly innocent-looking Model 3s absolutely destroy the autocross. We saw a Cadillac convertible that was just begging to be driven down a winding road lined with vineyards at sunset. We saw friends from the first High Voltage Experience return and we saw first-timers on the property who were surrounded by like-minded individuals, all of whom are attracted to EV technology for one reason or another...be it for the performance gains, the engineering involved in electric vehicle technology, or the simple satisfaction of no longer being forced to have a meet-and-greet with a fuel pump for transportation needs. Spectators and participants spent a relaxing weekend soaking in the California sun and enjoying all that High Voltage Experience had to offer them.
Holley would like to thank everyone who came out to High Voltage Experience 2022, and we look forward to seeing you again next year!
Best Tesla Model S
Best Tesla Model Y
Best Tesla Model 3
Best Small SUV (non-Tesla)
Best Custom EV Build
Best Other EV (non-automobile)
Best Exotic Electric
Best Vinyl Wrap
Best Stance
Best Interior
Best Exterior (non-wrapped)
Best EV Conversion
Holley Pick
Kevin Erickson, 1972 Plymouth Satellite
EV Bracket Open Saturday
EV Bracket Open Sunday
Closest to Perfect Reaction Time:
Quickest 1/4-mile Pass
Fastest 1/4-mile Pass
Closest to 10.500 E.T.
Third Place
Lowest Time - Stock
Lowest Time - Street Prepared
Lowest Time - Full Race
Matthew Cresci, 2017 Tesla Model 3