The Kibbe and Friends Show: The Christmas Story Christmas Review


The Kibbe and Friends Show: The Christmas Story Christmas Review


The weather outside is chilling, and the credit card companies are billing, the North is blanketed in snow, let it....well, you can figure it out from here. We are halfway through the holidays, and even the grouchiest of Grinches can agree that yes, it's time to break out the music, the lights, the cheer, and for everybody's sake, the spirit. Er, spirits. While the kids are going bonkers asking for last minute gifts that were certainly not on the lists you asked them to make around Thanksgiving, and the cat is trying to either eat or destroy the Christmas tree in one paw swipe, there are some great things to look forward to, like those old re-run Christmas shows and movies that you've been watching since you were young. One of the most loved films of late is A Christmas Story, which features a precocious little Ralphie Parker enjoying the trials and tribulations that involve his overreaching desire to get a BB gun for Christmas. Sound familiar?

In this episode of the Kibbe and Friends show, Rob, Bernie and Corndog review the recently-released A Christmas Story Christmas. This is the film that catches up with Ralphie, 33 years after the events of A Christmas Story. While a sequel might elicit an initial groan, one of the best aspects is to catch up with a beloved character and find out what they are doing years after you last saw them. That means you have a grown-up Ralphie, complete with his wife and children, struggling with an identity crisis and the joys of being an adult. All we will tell you about the movie is that he returns home and reunites with his schoolyard other spoilers here!

Hit the play button below and take a listen for yourself!



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