The World’s First Interactive Carburetor Selector!

10 min read

The World’s First Interactive Carburetor Selector!

10 min read
Holley, the leader in performance carburetors and fuel systems, is proud to introduce the world’s first interactive carburetor selector. The number one tech question Holley technical service receives is: What carburetor do I need? Holley’s interactive carburetor selector will give you the answer after asking a series of simple questions. As each question is answered the carburetor selector program narrows down the list of available carburetors for your application. After the last question is answered the final list of recommended carburetors will appear. From this point you can read the benefits and features of each carburetor or fill out the tech service help form to further review the carburetor selection with an expert. The best part; Holley’s Interactive Carburetor Selector is available online and is free to use as often as one might need. Just go to and look for the animated banner at the top right hand corner of the web page. For more information contact Holley, P.O. Box 10360, Bowling Green, KY. 42102, Telephone 270-782-2900. For nearest dealer: 1-800-HOLLEY-1. Or visit us on the web:


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