This year, Holley's LS Fest series of shows gained a third location with the inaugural LS Fest Texas event held at Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth. The action, like the weather, was HOT and throughout the weekend, everything that LS Fest has been known for was enjoyed by all who attended...and all of the new adjustments made explicitly for LS Fest Texas proved to be a smash hit, such as the nighttime schedule and the no-prep drag racing held on Pit Lane. We saw many familiar faces and vehicles, as well as lots of new folk who wanted to see what the fun was all about. And among the crowds were two special guests: The Musclecar Place and Kibbe and Friends Show alum Bernie McPartland and YouTuber Cody Young from the Cody Crafted channel. They saw the show, they enjoyed the sights, and they interviewed people at the shows, including Brian Massingill, the founder of the School of Automotive Machinists Technology (SAM Tech) in Houston; Mike Hepp from "Fast Help for Addiction", a addiction recovery program; and with Blane Burnett, Holley's Senior Events Manager. Have a listen and get a third-party's view on what LS Fest Texas had to offer!