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Third Try

By: Wes T 10/23/2020

I don’t know much about the history of this car, other than it was built at Leeds in November of ‘79 and that somebody adjusted the window shortly after that (they left a note on the paper barrier in the door). Somewhere along the line it must have seen a pretty bad hail storm, and likely spent a good portion of its life on dirt roads, supposedly somewhere in Texas.

I do know it had gone through at least two other owners before I found it. The fist father-son team must have brought it to Indiana, but lost interest when the father passed away. The second father-son team needed some money, so the Elcamino had to find a new home. It had been treated to a ‘Craigslist rebuilt’ earlier 70’s 350 as well as 1/2 AC delete and some creative wiring. Fortunately, all things that could be fixed or replaced.

I was happy to find such a solid car, and even drove it a few miles home. My dad and I make the third father-son team to work on this (that I know of). It took about 3 years of evenings and weekends. I'm very happy with the results but couldn't have done it without dad's help and encouragement. Thanks dad!

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